LNEG took part at 4º Energy Technology Fair – ENERTECH 2019, in Sabugal, a local fair with great impact and importance for the regional business development, under the strategy “Sabugal, natural energy source”, within the framework of the mission unit ‘Sabugal + Value Rural Development’ that took place from 11th to 13th October.
Development and technological innovation focused on energy efficiency and research activities as well as the dissemination of new solar energy solutions were the event´s focus. LNEG’s participation as an exhibitor made institutional contacts and promoting the Bus.Trainers project (funded by the Erasmus+ programme) within the scope of the event’s themes, particularly with the representatives of Sabugal County, Associação Empresarial do Sabugal -ADES- (Business Enterprises Association), Agência Regional de Energia e Ambiente do Interior (Regional Agency for Energy and Environment), Polytechnic Institute of Guarda, University of Castelo Branco and University of Beira Interior.