Report on skills gap (EN), R3 WP2
Research and analysis completed with the aim to identify specific ‘Green Skills Gaps’ of the VET trainers, who are providing training on EE and RES in construction industry and respond to the actual needs of the target group. The cuantitative and cualitative methodology used and the results obtained, meet the objective of identifying skills needs, using outcome based indicators to ensure the adaptation of curriculum to current and emerging demands on Knowledge, Skills and Competences in EE and RES in construction sector.
Final Green Skills Map and Perimeter (EN), R4 WP2
This report aims to identify the “Final Green Skills Map and Perimeter”. The definition of “Final Green Skills Map and Perimeter” it was based on the results of experimental analysis which aimed the identification and definition of the Green Skills Gaps in the VET (Vocational Education and Training) trainers.
Qualification “Eco-Trainer in the constructino industry” (EN), R5 WP3
The report describes the new European sectoral qualification and the associated training contents for VET trainers acting in the construction industry, which contains skills for the promotion of EE and RES in buildings, while teaching training courses, as it was designed in the context of Work Package 3 (WP3) of the BuS.Trainers project.
Eco-trainer open web platform system (EN), R9 WP5
Login and enrollment guide to the Eco.Trainers course, avalaible in English.
Pilot Test Report BuS.Trainers, R15 WP7
This report presents parcelled results from the Pilot Tests conducted in each Country in the context of BuS.Trainers project, as well as the joint conclusions from the partnership, avalaible in English.
BuS.Trainers project website, R20 WP9
Dissemination actions (EN), R21 WP9
Progress Report: This report compiles all the dissemination actions that the partners have carried out during the first year of the project.
Final Report: This report compiles all the dissemination actions that the partners have carried out throughout the project.
Advertisement tools: brochures and roll ups (ES, EN, GR, IT, PT), R22 WP9
Advertising tools (brochures and roll ups) that have been created as graphic support for dissemination actions: events, meetings, etc.
Dissemination brochure of the Project (ES).
Spanish, English, Italian, Portuguese, Greek
Roll ups of the Project created for the local info-days of the partners (ES, EN, GR, IT, PT)
Spanish, English, Italian, Portuguese, Greek
Infodays (EN), R23 WP9
Events celebrated in the different countries of the partners, where project milestones have been presented to relevant national stakeholders.
In Lisbon (Portugal): May 2017.
In Athens (Greece): October 2017.
Rome (Italy): April 2018.
Others Dissemination Actions Report (EN), R24 WP9
Report analyses the exploitation and impact achieved during the project life –from December 2016 to January 2020- by partners in events. In this sense, spread the project in different events has been necessary to address the main dissemination objectives, and to enhance the public impact, too. Bus.Trainers has participated in different workshops, other projects meetings, congresses, conferences, fairs, workshops, international networks…
Final Dissemination Event (EN), R25 WP9
Report about the Final Diffusion Event celebrated on the January 27th, 2020, in the country of the coordinating entity, Spain.