
To achieve objectives, the Bus.Trainers project has nine phases, which mark the delivery of the different results, apart from transversal tasks related to the planning, management and dissemination of the project.

In addition, a key outcome for the completion of this project is the generation of support and endorsement from the main stakeholders that adhere to the initiative and provide their expertise.

The eleven partners are involved in all stages of the Bus.Trainers project and their commitment leads them to contribute their knowledge and good work to achieve the success of this initiative.

The final works that will be developed will be the following:

1 The profile of construction trainer in competencies in energy efficiency and renewable energy systems. In this phase, a series of activities are developed aimed at identifying the gaps in this type of competences of the trainers who are responsible for training in the construction sector. After a documentary analysis to know the status quo of the countries participating in the project and a study of knowledge, skills and competencies, according to the EQF methodology, a Report on the skills gap and a Competency Map will be published.

The development of this first result is coordinated by the National Laboratory of Energy and Geology (LNEG) and takes place between November 2016 and March 2017.
Both documents will be available in English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Greek.

2 The second result that will be carried out is the new Bus.Trainers Qualification for the construction industry, after the design of the contents and the structure, in accordance with the evaluation of key performance indicators (KPI). In addition, a document will be published with the Key Performance Indicator Set table.

The work period of these deliverables is from April 2017 to August 2018, under the coordination of the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (Cres).
The first will be available in English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Greek; the second, in English.

3 A third step of the project is the Compilation of learning outcomes on competencies in energy efficiency and renewable energy systems, a series of text files and interactive resources, in English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Greek, provided after an analysis methodological and the development of learning outcomes and models and training objectives.

This phase is managed by the Institute for Professional and Vocational Training in construction sector (Formedil), from September 2017 to February 2018.
The results of which will be available in English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Greek.

4 The fourth key result in the project is the Development of the Bus.Trainers Qualification System, an open training web platform for the training of trainers and the evaluation of knowledge, supported by the European accreditation system, which will be available to be used in personal computers and also, through an application for Android and IOS.

The Institute of Robotics and Information Technology and Communications (IRTIC) of the University of Valencia will be in charge of implementing this phase, from March to October 2018.

5 In order to increase the quality of the training program for trainers in competencies in energy efficiency and renewable energy systems, the activation of mechanisms that promote the excellence of the qualification and participation of the trainers in this training will be carried out. This articulation will be done through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and a description of the BuS.Trainers Accreditation System. There will also be a recognition procedure that will provide candidates with ECVET credits, incorporated in the label "competences in energy efficiency and renewable energy systems" in the Europass tool.

The Malta Intelligent Energy Management Agency (Miema) coordinates this result, which runs from November 2018 to April 2019.

6 Finally, it will be passed to the Validation of experts and the pilot tests before launching the qualification. Groups of experts in Vocational Education and Training (VET), qualifications and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for each country participating in Bus.Trainers will validate the platform and its contents. Likewise, around a hundred trainers will participate in the training.

The Centre for the Professional Education and Training of Civil Construction and Public Works of the South (Cenfic) is responsible for coordinating this step, which will take place between May and October 2019.

Throughout the project (December 2016 to November 2019), the National Confederation of Construction Industry -CNC- and the National Association of Builders -Ance-, the Small Enterprises' Institute of the Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen and Merchants (IME GSEVEE) and the Gozo Business Chamber, will lead the adhesion of the stakeholders to the project, a necessary and fundamental support that pursues the involvement and awareness of the stakeholders involved in the issues addressed in this initiative, through the application of the Memorandum of Understanding.

In this action, five support seminars will be held (one for each country - Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece and Malta -), throughout the life of the project, of between 15 and 30 participants. As well as National Advisory Groups (NAG), composed of between five and ten members, specialized in different areas: public institutions and authorities, social agents, professional associations, VET providers, intermediary organizations, and so on.