National Laboratory of Energy and Geology (LNEG)



The National Energy and Geology Laboratory (LNEG) is an R & D institution focused on meeting the needs of society and companies. Betting on sustainable research, through the generation of knowledge in the Portuguese territory.

At the same time it grows internationally and guarantees having an adequate response to the needs of the business sector in its areas of competence. It generates science in energy and geology, with a view to its application in competitive advanced solutions.

The LNEG makes available to the interested parties the competences of the institution so that they can be exploited in the technological development of the country, promoting the establishment of new national and international alliances, highlighting those held with the industry, administration and other partner institutions of the national and international scientific system.

This National Laboratory works for the interaction with society, with intervention in the areas of Energy and Geology, assisting the government in public policies.


Address: Estrada do Paço do Lumiar, 22. 1649-038 Lisboa (Portugal).
Contact email:

Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (Cres)
Centre for the Professional Education and Training of Civil Construction and Public Works of the South (Cenfic)